Terms & Conditions


Cantollano S.L., B88427430. P. de la Habana 12, 2I. 28036 Madrid



Regulation of the residence regime.



The purpose of this document is to regulate the terms and conditions of hiring the accommodation service in the Hostel located at Calle de la Esgrima, Local Derecha and 2ยบ Izquierda, marketed under the name of 4Bears Sharehome.

These regulations shall be mandatory for all users of the service. The aim of this regulation will be to regulate and allow a proper coexistence within the complex. All guests are kindly informed that, to help maintain this policy, all common areas are video-surveillance.

Every guest accepts these rules, as an essential condition to be able to stay at the Complex.

The credit card used at the time of booking will be verified by the staff of the apartment complex.


General requirements:

Guests and clients in general will behave with politeness and respect towards people, accepting the proper use of the property and its facilities.

They are expected to behave responsibly and respectfully with the environment and the means at their disposal and, in particular:

Other users must be respected at all times, especially in the acoustic environment. Any activity that prevents rest for the rest of the guests is not allowed, including misuse of the facilities of the apartment itself, such as a loud TV or projector or any electronic device.
It is not allowed to carry out any unhealthy or annoying activity that may cause bad odours, entail any health risk or that may disturb the other guests, either in the private apartments or in the complex as a whole.
The use of the common areas of the complex is intended for access and transit to each of the private apartments, as well as allow (subject to availability) access to the common laundry. Staying in the common areas or using them for any use contrary to that described above is not permitted, especially at night.
The guest undertakes to respect the occupation declared by the same when making the reservation, It may not, under any circumstances, exceed the contracted capacity of the apartments. Visits are allowed during daytime hours (09:00 to 21:00), the visitors being subject to these same regulations and answering the reservation holder instead in case of non-compliance.
It is prohibited to engage in any illegal activity, both in the apartments and in the complex as a whole, being particularly serious attitudes or acts of violence, whether physical or verbal, towards any person, as well as the possession and use of any illegal drug or substance.
Smoking is not permitted throughout the complex and moderate and responsible consumption of alcohol is requested.
Parties in the apartments and meetings that double the capacity of the apartment are prohibited. Any small meeting must take into account the rules already expressed in terms of noise, respect for other guests and hours.
Guests must take care of the trash in their apartment during their stay and the proper recycling of it. It is forbidden to leave any kind of waste in common areas.
9. Whenever guests leave their apartment, it is their responsibility to ensure that windows and doors are securely closed to maintain security and prevent damage of any nature.
10. Guests agree to turn off lights and electronics when they are not needed, in order to save energy. It is not allowed to leave electronic devices on when you are not in the apartment.
Guests are asked to consume water and consumables responsibly, seeking among all, the greatest sustainability.

The use of heavy-duty electronic appliances or gas appliances is prohibited.

11. Pets are not allowed in the apartments or anywhere in the complex.
The daily cleaning service is not included in the price of the service, the apartment will be delivered clean and the guest is obliged to return it under the same conditions. In the event that an extra cleaning of the apartment is required, this will be passed on to the user and if it is assumed that the apartment cannot be rented that day due to such circumstances, the user agrees that an extra night will be charged to their card.
Photographs and recordings for commercial purposes are not permitted.
The complex does NOT have a safe deposit box for objects and valuables, so it declines any kind of responsibility on them, as well as on the objects or valuables left in the apartment, exonerating the Property of any contingency in this regard, being the exclusive responsibility of the guest to have them sufficiently insured.
The transfer and sublease of the apartments is expressly prohibited.
16. Children under the age of 18 may only stay in the complex accompanied by their parents, guardians or adults duly authorized by them. It is not allowed to leave minors alone inside the apartments, they will always have to be in the care of an authorized adult, who will be responsible for the minor.
The user who makes the reservation, will be liable to the Property, for any damage that could cause to things or people during their stay. As an impartial arbiter who must ensure a proper coexistence and enable simultaneous use of the complex, the Property of the complex and its employees reserve the right to determine the non-compliance with the previous points in each particular case, thus being able to take the necessary actions unilaterally.

In the event of non-compliance with the foregoing points, the Property and its employees may determine unilaterally in each case whether to issue a warning to the users if the problem is considered minor or punctual, or to proceed to cancel the reservation unilaterally if the fault is considered a serious problem.

In the event of cancellation of the reservation, this decision will be communicated to the guest via any contact channel provided, and the guest will have a period of one hour to leave the complex. The guest may request the return of the nights not enjoyed, within 24 hours of the notification, and, in any case, the cleaning costs and any damage caused will be deducted, and as long as the cancellation has not occurred due to the non-compliance of paragraph 5 and / or 7 of these regulations, in which case no amount will be returned, making the property its own all the amounts delivered and without prejudice to the rightful claim for damages and damages caused and obligation to pay in full by the user.


Misuse of facilities

The guest, as well as their companions, undertake to make responsible and careful use of all the facilities of the complex.

The breakdown of any appliance or service, as well as the breakage of any furniture, installation or in general, due to an incorrect use of the same, will be repercussed to the guest in a unidirectional way. The property reserves the right to carry out the charge, as well as the appropriate legal claims in such case. The guest and their companions are therefore responsible for knowing the use of each item, and in case of doubt informing the property before using it.

Injury and damage

The apartments in the complex will be delivered as announced. From the moment of the guest's access to the apartment, it shall be understood that the guest has taken possession of it, and the guest shall be responsible for making prudent and appropriate use of the space at all times, as well as for keeping it in a safe and appropriate state.

In the event of any irregular or potentially dangerous situation, the guest agrees to communicate this to the Property through any channel, and not to use the space until the problem is resolved.

In case of damage to the building or the furniture, the guest causing the damage, or in its replacement the guest who made the reservation, will pay for the damage caused, which will be quantified by a specialist technician, in cash or by credit card with which the reservation was made, before leaving the complex.


Tax clause

The prices relating to the reservation will be indicated during the booking process. Prices will be subject, where applicable, to the taxes legally applicable at the time.

In the event that the reservation is made through a legal person, it will be necessary to provide full tax identification as well as the physical person who will occupy the dwelling and days of stay, and the use cannot be transferred to any other physical person. The same identification must be provided in the case of a reservation made by a natural person for business travel for the issuance of the corresponding invoice.



The client declares to have been duly informed of the contract conditions of the service to which he expressly agrees when making the reservation, being the property solely responsible for the correct information of the contract conditions, the characteristics of the contracted service and for fulfilling the activity assigned to him, accommodating him and making his stay comfortable.

By accepting these general terms and conditions, the user authorizes Cantollano, S.L to be able to automatically charge for the provision of its non-paid services, as well as the refund of the expenses for damage and additional cleaning incurred, for which they may use the bank card details provided by the user at the time of booking the hotel room. The user will be informed of the exact amount to be charged and the breakdown of the charges.

Cantollano, S.L. will only store the user's credit card data for the period necessary to verify that the additional costs incurred by the user after completing the online check-out are fully covered.

Once it has been verified that the user has paid all the expenses incurred, including those for additional cleaning if necessary, Cantollano, S.L will delete all the data from the user's bank card when it is appropriate to comply with the legal obligations that are required.